
Public Auction

Saturday, March 29th, 2025 at 10:00 AM

Antiques, Collectibles, Old Toys, Furniture, Household,
Exercise, Quail Cages & Poultry Feeders, Guns, Coins & Tags

Sunday, March 30th, 2025 at 12:30 PM

Cars, Tractors, Motorcycle, UTV, Farm Equipment, Trailers,
Salvage, Fork Lift, Welders, Machinist & Shop Tools

Sale Location: 2150 Eel Rd, Abilene, KS



Antiques, Collectibles, Old Toys, Etc.

(2) nice complete kitchen cabinets, one painted, one nice oak; round oak tables; unique Air Firestone Chief wooden cabinet radio; very nice Home Comfort wood burning cook stove complete w/ top; pressed back rocker; oak rockers; oak bentwood chairs; unique small wooden chest of drawers; drop leaf table; 3 drawer oak chest; secretary cabinet w/ book case ends; wooden smoking stand; corner shelf; several wooden pieces: dressers, stands, cabinets tables, pie cabinet, etc., many need work or incomplete; (2) 3’ heavy wooden doors w/ 15 small glass windows; wooden school desk; small metal frame school desk; (2) high chairs, one nice oak; several iron bed frames; wicker bassinet; primitive wooden walnut baby cradle; (4) old phonographs – Silvertone, Victor, etc.; hanging 8 day pendulum clock; unique Dover mantle clock; Wards Airline wooden tube radio; (2) butter churns; several kerosene lamps; King Oak 217 round CI stove; CI lamp holder; brass horse clock w/ broke leg; old cameras; pictures; boxes of old records; Tom Thumb President typewriter; (3) apple peelers; (2) cherry pitters; lots of enamel & graniteware pots & pans; large alum. bowls; galv. wash tub; coal bucket; meat grinders; old fishing poles & reels; misc. costume jewelry; wooden kitchen mallet; 1,2 & 5 gal. stone crocks; stone jugs; lots of old glass, metal & ceramic figurines, pottery, old bottles, vases, etc.; brass & metal pieces; Hall bowls; Pheasant water pitcher & glass set; gold painted water pitcher; colored fruit bowls; S & P shakers; colored alum. water glasses; Paul Bunyan whiskey bottle; old Coca Cola glasses; lots of old pop bottles & one straight sided glass Coca Cola, Denver Co. bottle; milk bottles; old kitchen utensils; kitchen scales; ice tongs; cream cans; CI well hand pumps; CI pitcher pumps; cistern pumps; part of CI forge blower; kerosene torches, one brass; several one & two man crosscut saws; hand scythes; old iron tools; peddle grinding stone; wooden block & pulley; large wooden sledge hammer; treadle sewing machine base; smoking pipes, rack and tobacco jar; (3) old packs cigarettes – Alas, Argentinos, Ramona; tin match box holders; matchbooks; post cards; old postmarked stamps; some old advertising pieces; Bankers black ink box; old tins; (5) small tin oil can petroleum banks – Standard Oil, Trop Artic, Sinclair; Coors hanging lamp; (2) Anheuser Busch metal serving trays; bu. baskets; picnic baskets; wooden fruit crates; wooden crates, boxes & trunks; copper boiler; (4) CI tractor seats – Oliver Plow Works, Massey Harris, Stoddard; CI bird bath top w/ hummingbird; 10’ wooden buggy tongue; (2) JD Planter box lids w/ advertising; CI pot w/ lid; 30” buzz saw blade; metal ice & roller skates; old traps; wire egg baskets; several CI shoe lathes & attachments; Tom Thumb rivet tool; sad irons; rug beater; metal horse weather vane; CI wall mount paper roll dispenser; porcelain door knobs & drawer pulls; old fans; fuel can; galv. Water Line washer w/ wringer; iron wheels; push cultivator; old bikes; (3) paper mache duck decoys; old Tinker Toy & Lincoln Logs; Lionel metal train set w/ track; Boxes of old Books & Magazines; Collectible books: Little Golden Books, Tom Sawyer, etc.; metal toy dishes; metal toy fire engine, trucks, trailer, binoculars, etc.; wooden doll bed; boxes of kids toys; old board games; Little Chef toy oven; metal canteens; old wooden crocket set; (2) view masters & several reels; children’s records; musical chime push roller; Lone Ranger – Outlaw Town cassette in package; metal toy mixer; metal face doll w/ closing eyes; porcelain face doll; Marx wind-up toy tractor; John Deere CI Collector Series Tractors in boxes – 1950, 1956, 1963, 40th Anniversary and others; small Radio Flyer Wagon in box; JD Lunch Box; box of small JD tractors & equipment; metal wagon; metal runner sled

Furniture, Household, Exercise, Etc.

Nice large pine rocker; (2) chest of drawers; queen bed; wooden dining chairs; (3) plastic gun cases; (3) fly fishing baskets; nice Buck Commander bow cabinet; expensive & nice Nustep T4r Recumbent Cross Trainer Stepper; Lifestyle elec. walker; Pronto M51 Sure Step power wheelchair; elec. shuttle scooter; misc. kitchen & household items; dumping garden trailer; 6’ alum. & fiberglass ladders; live trap; (8) 8’ folding wooden tables

Quail Cages & Poultry Feeders – (Sell @ 1:00)

(14) 7”X10”X5’ 8 compartment quail nesting cages; (4) 10”X12”X5’ 4 compartment cages; approx. 30 galv. trough poultry feeders; (2) galv. bin type feeders; approx. (30) 4’ plastic trough type poultry feeders

Guns, Coins & Tags – Sell @ 12:30 Saturday

Remington Mod. 11, semi auto, 2¾” 12 Ga., modified w/ choke attachment; Stevens Mod. 620 pump 2¾” 12 Ga.; Remington Targetmaster Mod. 510 .22 cal. bolt action single shot; (19) Eisenhower Silver Dollars, 1 Centennial; lots of wheat pennies; lots of foreign coins; other misc. old coins; Viola’s RHV 5 cent coin, 50 yrs. in Abilene; (4) 2$ bills – (1) 1953, (3) 1976; 1928 20$ bill, 1953 5$ Silver Cert.; Tags: DK Co. 55, 70, 71, 76 & other Co. tags; Member 1967 WWI Inc. Tag


Cars, Tractors, Motorcycle, UTV (Sell@1:30)

(2) 1960 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupes, 283 engines, one auto, one standard, for restore or parts; 1972 Honda, mod. CB350, nice bike to be restored; Ford 8N Tractor, ran when parked; Farmall H Tractor, narrow front end, FBH 198835X1, not running; EZ-Go ST 480 Work Horse UTV, needs some work; 48cc 2 stroke Skyhawk Motorized Bike Kit – motor, etc.

Farm Equipment, Trailers, Salvage, Etc.

18’ tandem axle car trailer w/ 2’ dovetail; boat trailer; good 5’ King Cutter rotary mower; 3 pt. 2 bottom Dearborn plow; 2 bottom pull type wheel plow; 7’ pull type tandem disk; 3 pt. dirt scoop; 7’ JD cycle mower; old Stockland 3 pt. 6’ blade; old pull type 2 row planter; 10’ hay dump rake; old buzz saw; 225 gal. poly tank; ant. dirt scoop; old gates; several large 1¼” square tubing racks; old 100 gal. metal fuel barrel; salvage: large heavy alum windows, riding mowers, tiller, push mowers, elec. motors, some iron piles, old milling machine; some old salvage farm equipment, etc.

Fork Lift, Welders, Machinist & Shop Tools

Big Joe Stand Up Fork Lift, Mod 15-18-R6, SN 66713, Hyd. 1500# capacity; Central Machinery Gear Head Metal Lathe, mach. no. 28135, 220 V., 2 Hp. 1720 RPM, 12 X 36 Gear Head, MT # 5, 12” swing, 36” between centers, w/ multiple attachments; Drummond Metal Lathe; metal lathe chucks, cutter bits, etc.; Rockwell Delta Toolmaker Surface Grinder, SN 120-597; large Buffalo Camelback drill press; old large Milwaukee Model H horizontal milling machine; Oxy Acetylene torch set w/ cart; Miller Thunderbolt AC / DC Arc Welder; Linde 225 MIG Welder w/ gas bottle; new solvent tank; new Central Hydraulics 50 ton hyd. shop press, Mod 96188; Carolina 4000# mobile crane; new 440 / 880# elec. hoist; Pedestal Band Roller w/ 3 ton jack; 10” horizontal band saw; Turn-Pro 7” vertical band saw; Wilton 6” belt sander w/ 12” disc sander; Craftsman 10” radial arm saw; small drill press; Campbell Hausfeld 26 gal. portable air compressor; 44” DBD rolling shop fan; 2’ shop fan; 28” exhaust fan; 14” metal chop saw; nice Milwaukee hand operated deep cut band saw w/ case; Craftsman 6” & 8” bench grinders; 10” B&D miter saw; 3 ton floor jack; 4½” angle grinder; air grinders, air chisels, air cut off tool, etc.; Starrett depth gauge set; bevel protractor; micrometers; Shars caliper; belt sander; vibrator sanders; air bubble; pipe wrenches; C, bar & welding clamps; channel locks; adj. wrenches; allen wrenches; tin snips; large wrench sets; socket sets; break over bars; tap & die sets; misc. trowels; post hole diggers; shovels; hammers; mallets; sledge hammers; levels; planes; axe; vises; jumper cables; bolt bins; lots of 10’ solid lathe stock, ¼” – 2”; metal lathe stock rack, full; dowell rods & rack; milling bits; drill bit sets; 16 pc. Forstner bit set; gear pullers; files; air hose; handy man jack; log chains; boomers; car jacks & stands; 5’ tall platform rolling metal stair case; metal rolling cart; metal shelves & tables; metal folding sawhorses; receiver hitches; misc. hand tools; box of new rubber wheel castors; roll 14 ga. elec. wire; 10’ ext. & 2’ step alum ladders; Chapin backpack sprayer; welding helmets; electrodes; 220 v. ext. cord

Seller: Bob & Mary Nye Estate

Auctioneer Notes: All Household Items, Antiques, Collectibles, Coins & Guns, Quail Cages & feeders will sell Saturday. Cars, Tractors, UTV, Tools & most Farm Items will sell Sunday. This sale features numerous antique, collectible items, tools & machinist tools as Bob was a collector, auctioneer and a machinist. There will be several items not listed as numerous boxes remain to be gone through. Lunch will be available on Saturday.

Terms: Cash or good check with photo ID. All items must be paid for before removal. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.

Gray’s Auction Service, LLC
Auctioneers: Gerald Gray, (Cell 785-630-1017) & Kelly Rock

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