Real Estate & Farm Equipment Auction
Saturday, September 21st, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Tractors, Trucks, Vehicles & Trailers, Hay & Tillage,
Cattle Equipment, Tools & Miscellaneous
DIRECTIONS: From Dwight, north on HWY 57 2 miles, then Tri County Rd / A Ave 3 miles west. From I70 take HWY 57 south approx. 13 miles to Stahl Rd 2 miles south, 1 mile west.
Legal description: S31 T13 R08 60± acres E½ & E½ W½ Lots 2 & 11 Less Row 35 acres of crop ground & remainder in native hay meadow and trees. 2 ponds on property, rural water available but meter has to be purchased. 100% of mineral rights transfer with property.
2024 taxes and prior years will be paid by seller (approx. $594 yearly).
Terms: 10% DOWN DAY OF SALE. Balance due when merchantable Title and Warranty deed are delivered, Sale is not contingent on the buyers obtaining financing. Escrow & closing fee will be divided equally between the seller and the buyer.
Property subject to tenants’ rights. Property is realtor-owned.
For information or viewing contact Jay E Brown (785) 223-7555.
Tractors, Trucks, Vehicles & Trailers
2005 New Holland TL100a Tractor Front Wheel Assist w/ Loader and Hay Spikes. Approx 3800 Hours. Cab Air & Heat. Diesel.
1986 276 Versatile 4WD w/ Loader and Grapple Fork. Hours unknown. Diesel. Enclosed Cab. Hydrostat.
1951 Ford 8N Gas. Unknown hours. No Cab.
1998 Bobcat 763 Skid Loader. Open station. Rubber tires. Approx 3000 hours. Diesel.
2014 Case TR320 Tracted Diesel. Cab Air & Heat. Approx 1300 hours.
1981 GMC ¾ ton 4WD Pickup 4speed. Flatbed.
1968 Chevrolet C50 18 foot bed w/ hoist. 4speed / 2speed. V8 motor Gas.
1981 International single axle tractor w/ DT466 diesel engine. Air brakes. 5 speed / 2 speed.
2006 Dodge 2500 4x4 4 door, 5.7 Hemi motor. 169,000 miles approx. 5th wheel attachment
2006 Faab 4 door 9-3 model, air & heat 172,000 miles approx. slight body damage.
1994 F150 Extended Cab 2 wheel drive unknown milage.
12 foot tandem axle drop deck lawnmower trailer. Homemade no title.
1987 Titan gooseneck 16x7 foot
Hay & Tillage
John Deere 336 Twine tie square bailer w/ farmhand 8 bale accumulator
273 New Holland hay liner square bailer twine tie w/ farmhand 8 bale accumulator
H&S 12 wheel high capacity rake
Siltex 10 wheel rake
John Deere 8350 end wheel grain drill 7.5" spacing 20 hole w/ dry fertilizer
Great Plains solid stand np13 end wheel grain drill. 7.5" spacing alfalfa seeder
John Deere 714 consertill 14 foot
John Deere Field cultivator 12 foot
Cattle Equipment,
Tools & Miscellaneous
New Skid Loader Attachments: pallet forks, brush buckets, grapple bucket, rotary mower 6 foot.
2 car ports, metal frames only, 20x20
Galvanized metal: Mixed gates, various sizes, Goat panels, Hay feeders for small square bales
Walkthrough gates, Cattle panels
200 used steel posts, 6 preifet feed bunks, rubber tire feed bunks, 80 8' & 9' pieces of channel iron
Quarter yard electric motor cement mixer
8" PTO driven Grain Auger 40'
Bulk Bin 5 ton, needs repaired
Utility bed from ¾ ton chevy truck, brackets included
Night light on trailer, needs repairs
Ridgid torpedo air compressor
Air operated post driver
Porter Gable miter saw
8" and 6" portable grinder, handheld
Craftsman toolbox
Various handtools
SP100 kerosine heater
Honda 6500 generator, Gas powered
Yamaha 3000 generator, Gas powered
Elite power washer 6.75 HP
Ridgid tile saw
Aluminum ramps
2 ready heaters diesel
155000 BTU diesel heaters
Air bubbles
New De-walt battery chargers
Craftsman edger
Torch cart
12v sprayer
4 curb shaft weed eaters
Small torch
Junk Iron
Brown Real Estate & Auction Service, LLC
15731 Tri-County Rd., Junction City, KS
(785) 762-2266 E-mail:
JAY E. BROWN Broker / Auctioneer (785) 223-7555
GREG HALLGREN (785) 499-5376